Code DF2
Detector Finds 2
Code DF2
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  • Description

    The second volume of Detector Finds, again with hundreds of illustrations, forms an additional invaluable aid to identifying finds. The contents include: Purse Frames, Pocket Sundials, Medieval Handles, Thimbles, Furniture Fittings, Sentimental Brooches, Baldrick Buckles, Watch Keys, Lead Weights, Cased Mirrors, Toy Cannons, Cuff Links, Nut Crackers, Petronels, Sword Belt Fitments, Scissors, Horse Pendants, Foot Pattens, Wine Labels, Barrel Locks and Keys, Palm Guards, Button Hooks, Dividers, Sword and Dagger Chapes, Brass Horse Bells, Jaws Harps, Hatpins, Lead "Bells", Spoons, Scabbard Fitments, Sheet Metal Bells, Miniature Domestic Utensils and Jettons

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