Write about metal detecting
We head out in all weathers often with the thrill of anticipation as to what the search will reveal - there are so many variables in this great hobby ranging from a pocketful of âcanslawâ to a healthy handful of staters and of course everything in between - Of course weâd all love a big find but return home more often than not just treasuring getting out for the day with mates - or just enjoying the peace and tranquility of your own company - many people contact me to say that although they themselves are no longer able to detect for a wide range of reasons they keep involved and love âthe fields being brought indoors to themâ by social media posts and by reading the contents of Treasure Hunting magazine and the like. I guess at some stage or another all of us will hang up the old machine one day for the last time - but that doesnât necessarily mean the hobby is finished - Such people âstay hobby activeâ by becoming adept at helping others identify their finds on social media, attending club meetings and even digs to keep in on the scene and some turn into hobby-based writers.
Itâs absolutely brilliant that there are so many positive interconnected aspects to our great hobby - Talking of writers whether you stopped detecting years ago, have a collection of finds big or small, only started detecting this year and have something to say, made a find youâve always wanted, got a superb Roman site youâve been doing for years - or maybe just found a superb Roman site, maybe you are a detecting âveteranâ with experiences you think would be of interest or benefit to others - in fact whatever the detecting pitch sharing is brilliant and we would love to hear from you - or maybe you know someone you think would make a great writer but just needs a prompt - we have features for all finds, writing skills and detecting experience levels so please feel welcome to touch base with me on julian@treasurehunting.co.uk to discuss whatâs suitable - you never know where it might lead - Several of Treasure Hunting magazineâs initial contributors have gone on to write their own books.
You can also submit your metal detecting finds online via our website. We publish these every month in our popular 'Reader Finds' section of the magazine. Visit our website link here to submit your metal detecting find. *We cannot promise every submission enters the magazine, although when it does you can pride yourself in showing your friend's and family the historical treasures you have unearthed!
Best Jules
Julian Evan-Hart
Editor - Treasure Hunting Magazine